
What is a Community Plan?

It’s a document prepared by the community to identify what they want to improve or achieve in their area.

Led by the community, it can be tailored according to the specific needs of a parish. It has no set content and can include social, environmental or economic issues – whatever the community identifies as important. It is useful in shaping a vision for a community and bringing people together.

Although it’s not compulsory to have a Community Plan, the Parish Council must support the preparation of one as it will adopt it and help deliver actions.  Actions identified may need support from other community groups and organisations to progress and some may be aimed at influencing decisions or policies of external bodies.

The Plan should be reviewed as the priorities of the community may change over time.

Community Plan 2012 cover

Exminster’s Community Plan was published in November 2012. The document provides the analysis of the Parish questionnaire as well as the resultant action plan.

In 2018 it was decided to refresh the plan and in early 2019 Parish Councillors, together with Exminster residents, formed a working party to compose a new survey. All households in the Parish were invited to complete the survey in the summer of 2019. Analysis of the questionnaires was delayed due to the pandemic, but in the meantime, actions on the comments and preliminary results started.

Community Plan 2019 front cover

The Community Plan 2019 Survey Results Report was published in May 2022. The results will be reflected in matters considered by the Parish Council and when updating the Neighbourhood Development Plan.