
Exminster Parish Council have responsibility for the services outlined beneath. Teignbridge District Council and Devon County Council also have responsibility for services in the Parish.

Deepway Green

The Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), Tennis Court and Outdoor Gym are free to use. Please be considerate to others and limit games on the courts to 1 hour.

Event organisers wishing to use Deepway Green are asked to apply to the Clerk to the Parish Council at least 60 days before the date of the event and agree to adhere to the conditions of use.


Exminster Parish Allotment Society manage the allotments at Spurfield. Contact [email protected] for information.


Public Footpaths and Rights of Way

Exminster Parish Council participates in the Parish Partnership Scheme with Devon County Council to look after the local network of Public Rights of Way.

Public Rights of Way are public highways: the surface belongs to the local highway authority while the subsoil is the property of the landowner.

The Parish Paths Partnerships Scheme is an initiative to ensure that the entire rights of way network is legally defined, properly maintained and well publicised. It has the support of the National Association of Local Councils and is Devon County Council funded. The main aim is to improve the condition of the local rights of way and keep them open and used properly.

The Parish Council appoints a volunteer Footpath Warden to inspect and report on the condition of the footpaths and arrange any work in conjunction with the Devon County Council footpath Liaison Officer.

There is a map of local footpaths in the Victory Hall window by the path to Coffee on the Corner. There are no bridleways in the parish.


Exminster Parish Council Footpath Warden

Exminster Parish Footpath Map

Devon County Council Public Rights of Way Information

Tree Warden

The Tree Warden welcomes reports on the condition of trees in the Parish.

Exminster Parish Council Tree Warden